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Lindsey Graham has Soros screambox kicked out of rally

If you’ve read this page before, you know how much I can’t stand Lindsey Graham. But for once, I’ve got to give him credit where credit is due. The usual Soros screambox thugs attended one of his rallies in South Carolina and the topic was the repeal and replacement of ObamaCARE. As is typical for these Soros funded screambox thugs, they yelled and screamed their usual BS as Graham tried to talk about repealing ObamaCARE. Eventually, Graham grew tired of the Soros thugs screaming and had them kicked out.

Lindsey Graham has Soros screambox kicked out of rally
Lindsey Graham has Soros screambox kicked out of rally

Good for you Lindsey, At least this one time.

The tactic of these screaming loser at Republican rallies funded by Soros has grown rather tiresome. It was kind of cute at first, but now it’s repetitive and lame. The media is trying to turn these screaming idiots at Republican rallies into the Democrat’s tea party. Sorry idiots, there is a real difference between grassroots protesters like the tea party in 2010 and paid off Democrat thugs bused in to yell and scream obscenities at Senators who want to repeal ObamaCARE.