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Tucker Carlson destroys racist Jorge Ramos VIDEO

Jorge Ramos is a well known Hispanic racist on Fusion TV who’s daughter worked for Hillary Clinton during the campaign. Devesitated ever since Clinton’s loss, Jorge Ramos misleads his Hispanic viewers on how Trump is a fascist, or how Trump is a racist and that all Hispanics will end up in camps or something. Tonight Jorge Ramos tried to battle Tucker Carlson, but it wasn’t much of a battle. Carlson ripped Ramos to shreds for his lies, innuendos and propaganda.

Tucker Carlson destroys racist Jorge Ramos VIDEO
Tucker Carlson destroys racist Jorge Ramos VIDEO

Jorge Ramon’s problem is that he’s used to softball interviews from other leftist propaganda media outfits. Poor little Jorge wasn’t prepared for Tucker Carlson tonight, and it showed. Suck it up Jorge!