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U.S. Military fires 50 Tomahawk missiles at Syria

Unlike Obama and his phony red line, the military under Donald Trump fired 50 Tomahawk missiles at Syria. This is retaliation for the chemical weapons attack on civilians by Bashar al-Assad a few days ago. Trump was having dinner with China’s president Xi Jinping. I am not for going to war with Syria. Their problem is Russia’s problem, not ours. But because this attack was conducted without any loss of American lives, it’s easier for me to digest.

U.S. Military fires 50 Tomahawk missiles at Syria
U.S. Military fires 50 Tomahawk missiles at Syria

Is North Korea next on Trump and the U.S. military’s hit list?

Oh and for all those Russia-Trump conspiracy theorist, Trump Oked this attack on Syria with 50 Tomahawk missiles without calling Putin first to get his blessing. Russia is pissed off at Trump now, so maybe all that “blackmailing” stuff that the lame media and dumb Democrats claim Putin would do to Trump will come out. No, it wouldn’t because there is nothing. Putin as far as I’m concerned can go fuck himself. Assad is a war criminal, Democrats love Assad and Trump satisfied the neocons who have been salivating for an attack in Syria.

Will this lead to war with Syria? Who knows, but if Trump wants to declare war on Syria, he needs to do it properly and get Congressional approval.