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Your tax dollars: PBS asks what body part of a human would you eat?

Defund PBS NOW! After the lazy congress gets back from it’s two week vacation, they need to defund PBS! Your tax dollars are paying for articles like this one, asking if you had to eat a human, which body part would it be? Seriously PBS? And leftists worry about Big Bird? Your tax dollars not only support a far left propaganda news outfit like PBS, but your tax dollars are now also supporting openly trying to legitimize cannibalism.

Your tax dollars: PBS asks what body part of a human would you eat?
Your tax dollars: PBS asks what body part of a human would you eat?

If you had to eat human flesh, where would you start? That seems a disturbing question for westernized thought, sure, but cannibalism occupies a consistent position in the evolution of human behavior.

With 650 muscles and 206 bones in an adult, there are more than enough options on the menu. Some may carry tons of dietary value, while others are poor pickings. A new study published Thursday in Scientific Reports dissects the nutritional and caloric value of human body parts.

What a droll field of study, you say? Sure, unless you’re an archaeologist or anthropologist studying Neanderthals, native groups in Papua New Guinea or any number of hominid communities that have participated in cannibalism over the last 800,000 years or so.

“There are fewer complex behaviors in modern human society than cannibalism,” said James Cole, an archaeologist at the University of Brighton in England who led the study. “Cannibalism has all sorts of connotations and motivations within our own species.”