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Illegal alien “Dreamer” in Salinas gets charges reduced

Here’s another fine example of an Obama illegal alien “Dreamer.” Juan Manuel Martinez was able to plead down meth possession charges to simple trespassing in Salinas California.

Illegal alien “Dreamer” in Salinas gets charges reduced
Illegal alien

The national media has an agenda to portray illegal aliens in the best possible light, especially illegal alien youths known by the propaganda term “DREAMers” who are protected by former President Barack Obama’s DACA executive action. When a DREAMer gets in serious trouble with the law that reflects badly on the media’s pro-amnesty agenda the national media doesn’t report on it.

Such is the case with Juan Manuel Martinez, a 19-year-old illegal alien DACA recipient living in Salinas who was recently arrested at the Monterey County Jail in California for possession of meth and marijuana while he was driving a friend to the jail.

Martinez was allowed to plead no contest to a reduced charge of trespassing and thought he would skate on by. ICE had other plans and took him into custody when he was released for time served and is holding Martinez for deportation proceedings.

In addition to being found with drugs at the jail, Martinez reportedly admitted to gang membership in an interview following his arrest. Martinez’s attorney denies his client’s involvement with a gang.

The Mexican consulate is reported to be outraged that Martinez is facing deportation over possessing meth and gang ties.