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CNN then and now on Comey

CNN, the Clinton News Network has been completely off the rails since election night. They also really hated James Comey, with hacks like Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, Fredricka Whitfield doing daily hits on Comey, since election night.

CNN then and now on Comey
CNN then and now on Comey
CNN then and now on Comey
CNN then and now on Comey

But that all changed yesterday when Trump fired James Comey, who now appears to be the Democrat’s martyr against Trump. Yet again the media and crazy Democrats are showing their Islamic extremist type tendancies and going on their own jihad.

This was CNN yesterday after news of Comey being fired finally made the news.

CNN then and now on Comey
CNN then and now on Comey

Never change CNN. This is why your ratings have gone lower than MSNBC these days. You are a joke. The Clinton News Network will always be the Clinton News Network. (eyeroll).