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Pocahontas Warren tweet about #Travelban didn’t age well

It was just two weeks ago. Pocahontas Elizabeth Warren predicted the Supreme Court would kill the Trump Travel Ban once and for all, because the left wing ninth-circuit is on the side of the Constitution or something.

Pocahontas Warren tweet about #Travelban didn’t age well
Pocahontas Warren tweet about #Travelban didn't age well

How’d that work out for your fake injun? Actually injun Warre, the Constitution is on the side of the Supreme Court. The president has the right to restrict travel from countries that pose a danger to this country. Even all four liberal judges on the Supreme Court agreed. Do you know how difficult it is to get a 9-0 on anything that goes to the Supreme Court? America wins and the fraud Democrats who want open borders and invite terrorist into this country lose yet again.