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Racist Bill Maher stereotypes Koreans as nail salon workers

As if using the N-word wasn’t racist enough for left wing, unfunny “comedian” Bill Maher. Now he is stereotyping all Koreans as nail salon workers. Typical left wing trash that’s paid for by HBO.

Racist Bill Maher stereotypes Koreans as nail salon workers
Racist Bill Maher stereotypes Koreans as nail salon workers

This is what qualifies as “humor” to left wingers. I don’t find it funny and I’m sure a lot of Korean people don’t find it funny either. This is your “American” left in the 21st century. Now, do I think Bill Maher should be fired over this tweet mocking Koreans? No. Let him keep exposing himself as the left wing racist he truley is. And let him continue to embarass HBO.

Ben Sasse, who had a big smile on his face when Maher spewed the N-Word was unavailable for comment.