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CNN: Trump family is like the Italian mafia

We have no new insult for the Trump family from CNN. Now he’s like the Italian mafia. Usually the insults consist of Hitler, secret Kremlin/KGB agent, White Nationalist, etc. So how long before Anderson Cooper starts calling Trump, The Don or something?

CNN: Trump family is like the Italian mafia
CNN: Trump family is like the Italian mafia

Brinkley, on Wednesday night, likened the Trump familial bonds at the White House to that of the Italian mafia.

“It’s a White House in disarray,” the CNN historian said. “You have a kind of like a Mafioso; the family’s in charge only, and we keep it in our clan together. And some people find that honorable, but when it starts damaging the United States at home and abroad.”

Brinkley specifically pointed to Kushner twice omitting from his security clearance form the fact that he met with Russians as just one of the Trump family “scandals”: “People are trying to understand what’s going on about our election hacking and here is somebody, Kushner, is supposed to be coming to negotiate peace in the Middle East, according to Donald Trump, when he’s taking meetings with rogue Russians in such a fashion.”

The CNN historian then said the White House is “disassembling” under Trump’s leadership. He suggested that Trump follow the actions of former President Ronald Reagan amid the Iran-Contra investigation and “try to talk honestly to the American people. Not just to Fox News or Christian Broadcasting Network where he feels like he’s got friendly people doing the questioning.”

Leftists are experts at insults, but their insults of Trump and his family are rather repetitive and generic. Mafia family though is a new one. It’s also a bit ironic coming from a network that will never stop supporting the Clinton Crime family.