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Remember when Fake Jake Tapper wrote for crazy left wing Salon?

Even after all his fake news, bitter interviews with Trump officials and constant drum beat of Russia Russia Russia, some conservative still insist on defending Jake the Fake Tapper. He’s playing victim now because he called out the Women’s March for celebrating the birthday of a cop killer. Yet, while Tapper feigns phony outrage, no one at CNN has even covered the Women’s March celebration of the birthday of a cop killer. Fake Jake Tapper is not really a good actor, but he fools enough rubes who still think he’s a legit journalist.

Remember when Fake Jake Tapper wrote for crazy left wing Salon?
Remember when Fake Jake Tapper wrote for crazy left wing Salon

Fake Jake Tapper has quite a history with left wing propaganda. Even before his days at ABC and CNN, Fake Jake Tapper was writing hateful article for crazy left wing magazine Salon. Those articles are from 2003 and are basically all about bashing then POTUS George W. Bush. Once a hack, always a hack. Sadly, some people just don’t get it and still think Fake Tapper is a fair and balanced reporter. He’s anything but that. This is why Fake Tapper is such a perfect fit for CNN.