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Democrat aligned Fusion GPS took money from Russia officials

Suddenly, there isn’t much talk about Russia anymore, now that it’s been revealed that Fusion GPS, the ones who gave John McCain and the media the peepee dossier are aligned with Democrats. Not only is Fusion GPS aligned with Democrats, they also took a bunch of money from the dirty ruskies too! But you wouldn’t know that by the once Russia addicted media.

Democrat aligned Fusion GPS took money from Russia officials
Democrat aligned Fusion GPS took money from Russia officials

Ryun said Thursday was a day of “massive” developments in the case, which is moving in a direction very different from what Democrats obsessed with alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump 2016 campaign expected. He spotlighted Hermitage Capital CEO Bill Browder, who has been “very involved” with the Magnitsky Act sanctions.

“Fusion GPS was used against him and was used to lobby against the Act,” said Ryun. “The reason that Senate Judiciary wanted him to come in front of them and testify was to talk about some of Fusion GPS’s behavior.”

“There was some pretty staggering stuff that came out yesterday, Raheem. One was, Lindsey Graham asked him under oath, ‘Do you think that there were Russians involved in funding Fusion’s work?’ His response under oath was, in the spring and summer of 2016, they were receiving money indirectly from senior Russian government officials,” Ryun reported.

Kassam restated that Fusion GPS, a “Democrat-aligned group,” has now “admitted to receiving money from the Russians.”

“The thing that I want people to understand is, Fusion GPS calls itself an oppo research firm. They are a disinformation firm. Much of what they do is not based in reality or fact. They are hired guns to destroy the opponents of those that are paying Fusion money,” Ryun said.

“The second thing that I thought was staggering was when Chuck Grassley asked him, ‘Do you think that reporters were being paid money to push Fusion’s dossier and other lines of attack against them, regarding the Magnitsky Act?’” Ryun continued. “And he responded and said, ‘I am convinced that there are, in fact.’ He said, ‘There is one journalist that I am almost 100 percent convinced was receiving money because he was acting so far outside the bounds of journalistic ethics.’”