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Yahoo now praising the Castro brothers of Cuba

The leftist media really loves communist. Deep down, they love the Castro brothers or at least one remaining Castro brother in Cuba. They also really love Nicolas Maduro and Vladimir Putin, though they try to hide it. Yahoo news is out of the closet, praising the Castro regime in Cuba for rationing food to it’s people. Yahoo loves Cuba’s food rationing so much, because it promotes equality or something.

Yahoo now praising the Castro brothers of Cuba
Yahoo now praising the Castro brothers of Cuba

WRONG. The myth of “equality” is one of the biggest lies promoted by the Castro regime. Cubans are only equal in their misery and slavery…

The oligarchs can get as much stuff as they want.

Those who run the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution get more stuff than their neighbors.

Everyone who is clever enough to “solve their problems” — that is, to cheat — knows how to get a little more than their neighbors.

The Yahoo article repeats two other huge Castro lies.

1. It says that shortages were caused by the U.S. “Embargo” in 1963.

WRONG. Goods started disappearing off store shelves as soon as Fidel, Raul, and Che took control of the Cuban economy and rapidly destroyed it. It was the seizure of all property and all businesses that killed food production in Cuba. I remember standing in line as early as 1961, waiting for simple staples like rice and eggs. And by the time I left in April 1962, the few stores that still existed had bare shelves.

2. It says that the ration book gives Cubans all that they need to survive at a “discount.”

WRONG. The food allocations in the ration book are not enough to survive. Everyone has to scramble to get more, and there has always been a thriving black market. Plus, there is no “discount.” The Castro regime sets prices artificially, with no connection to supply and demand. In addition, the Castro regime pays everyone a miserly “salary” that is pegged to bare subsistence levels.