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cBS fake news: Major Garrett lies, claims Trump didn’t sign disaster declaration for TX

It seems the corrupt liberal media has moved beyond just purely fake news and now they are making up news. cBS (who’s news division head is lead by Obama adviser’s brother) flat out lied last night and said Trump went to sleep without signing a declaration order for Texas. This was Major Garrett’s tweet last night (who is a major hack):

cBS fake news: Major Garrett lies, claims Trump didn’t sign disaster declaration for TX
cBS fake news: Major Garrett lies, claims Trump didn't sign disaster declaration for TX

Only problem is, that was complete and utter BS, and typical fake news from CBS. Here is really what happened last night:

CBS and major hack Major Garrett need to apologize for spreading fake news. The corrupt media is truly the enemy of the American people. At least those not affiliated with Democrats, black lives matter or AntiFa.