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#Houston VS. #Berkeley

Two cities, Houston Vs. Berkeley show just how the left has tried to destroy this country. In Houston, you have people helping other people trying to cope with the possible 50 inches of rain from Tropical Storm Harvey. This includes rescue boats with Confederate flags rescuing people regardless of skin color, race or religion.

#Houston VS. #Berkeley
#Houston VS. #Berkeley

In Berkeley, you have the perfect example of what liberal progressives and California have devolved into. In Berkeley, near San Francisco, left wing terrorists with black masks on their face who call themselves AntiFa are beating up people, rioting, looting and damaging property. They are being described as ‘peaceful protests’ by the disgusting, corrupt liberal media.

If these “anti-Nazi” AntiFa terrorists would spend as much effort on helping people like in Houston and less time beating up people they disagree with, maybe all the destruction in Houston and other parts of South Texas wouldn’t be as bad. All those George Soros billions would be really helpful in Houston right now, instead it’s sent to left wing terrorist groups like AntiFa to destroy property and beat up people. But don’t worry about AntiFa terrorists. They are just peaceful protests according to the corrupt media.