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Who condemned AntiFA first? Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan?

Who condemned AntiFa left wing terrorist group? Paul Ryan or Nancy Pelosi? You would automatically assume, since Paul Ryan is a “Republican” and Nancy Pelosi thrives off left wing terrorism, it would be cheese head Ryan. But that’s not the case. Even after this weekend’s violence and beatings in Berkeley, there hasn’t been a word uttered by Lyin Ryan denouncing left wing violence and terrorism. In fact, I haven’t heard any Republican denounce AntiFA.

Who condemned AntiFA first? Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan?
Who condemned AntiFA first? Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan?

In the statement, Pelosi said, “Our democracy has no room for inciting violence of endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves Antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

Pelosi released this statement after she was harshly criticized for her silence following the shocking violence that took place in Berkeley over the weekend by masked Antifa terrorists.

Paul Ryan has yet to condemn Antifa. Paul Ryan came out to disavow and condemn white supremacists and Nazi’s and attacked Trump for his reaction to the Charlottesville violence, yet crickets over Antifa terrorists.

Nancy Pelosi is of course desperate to hold on to power in the Democrat party. This condemnation isn’t authentic, but it’s there. Which is more than I can say for Paul Ryan and the so called Republicans.