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California Democrat: I’d oppose Mother’s Day if Trump endorsed it

With his constituents sky filled with smoke from the #BurbankFire Democrat Rep. Brad Sherman is telling everyone how if Trump endorsed Mother’s Day, he would be against it. This is just the latest example of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

California Democrat: I’d oppose Mother’s Day if Trump endorsed it
California Democrat: I'd oppose Mother's Day if Trump endorsed it

This week in an interview with the Los Angeles Times editorial board, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), who filed articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, said “Trump derangement syndrome” was so strong with his Californian constituents, he would be forced to oppose Mother’s Day if Trump endorsed it.

Sherman said, “Then we have a Trump derangement syndrome where — thank God he didn’t put out a message on Mother’s Day because there would have been pressure on me to come out against Mother’s Day.”

He added, “If Trump takes a position, then you must take an equally extreme and opposite position. He’s for Mother’s Day — you must be against Mother’s Day. He’s for a wall — you have to be for unlimited immigration from all places.”

Adam Schiff, another Democrat who represents Burbank has been silent on the BurbankFire. Instead, he’s sending greeting to Muslims celebrating Ramadan.