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Did Trump cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to send a message to lazy GOP?

All the pundits on TV are claiming what a “big win” Trump’s debt ceiling deal with shysters Schumer and Pelosi was for the Democrats. Maybe I don’t understand simply because I’m not in D.C. But why is a three month extension such a big win for the Democrats? I find it more of a slap in the face to lazy Republicans like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who have back stabbed Trump on everything from ObamaCARE repeal to trashing him to the media. It’s not just those two “Republicans” either. You got McCain, Jeff the Flake, Ben Sasse and Bob Corker always bitching about Trump too. Maybe Trump cut a deal with these sleazy Democrats simply to give a big FU to the Republicans? Is this possible/ Or do I sound too much like a Trump cultist?

Did Trump cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to send a message to lazy GOP?
Did Trump cut a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to send a message to lazy GOP?

You have to fund the government during two devastating Hurricanes like Harvey and Irma. A government shut down in the aftermath of Harvey and Irma is something Hussein Obama and other anti-American communists would love to do. I just don’t see what the big deal is with a three month extension, requiring these lazy, overpaid leeches to pass another one before they leave for their Christmas vacation.

It seems to me that Republicans are far more interested in protecting the so called “dreamers” aka illegal aliens than they are actual American citizens. Democrats aren’t exactly any better, but if you can’t get a deal with the back-stabbing Republicans, then get it another way. Are the lazy Republicans worried they will have to vote again? They had no problem raising the debt ceiling under Hussein Obama, why all of a sudden would they care about it now?

If this is why Trump made the deal today with Schumer and Pelosi, then good for him. Screw the lazy GOP. Until the congressional Republicans get a change in leadership, nothing is going to change with them. They, like the Democrats only care about illegal aliens, not the American tax payer.

BTW, have you heard of ANY Republican calling out left wing terrorist group AntiFa? They had no problem calling out “white supremacists,” so why are they silent on AntiFA?