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Tillerson: Trump open to staying in Paris Climate Accord

Either old oil idiot, Rex Tillerson is full of crap or Javanka, McMaster, Cohn coup of the White House is complete. Over the past week we’ve heard about not leaving the Paris Climate Accords (a Ponzi scheme), a deal with the devil Democrats on DACA and maybe a border wall “later.” None of this sounds like what Trump ran on and promised. Pandering to the left with things like the Paris Climate Accords isn’t suddenly going to get the left and media to love Trump. Neither will DACA or no border wall. All it will do is dwindle his base and he’s a sitting duck president through 2020.

Tillerson: Trump open to staying in Paris Climate Accord
Tillerson: Trump open to staying in Paris Climate Accord

Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said President Donald Trump would be open to remaining in the Paris climate accord.

Tillerson said, “The position is being led and developed by Gary Cohn over at the National Economic Council. I think if you recall, the president also said, look, we are willing to work with partners in the Paris climate accord. If we can construct a set of terms that we believe is fair and balanced for the American people and recognizes our economy, our economic interests, relative to others, in particular, the second-largest economy in the world, China.”

He added, “I think under the right conditions, the president said he’s open to finding those conditions where we can remain engaged with others on what we all agree is still a challenging issue.”