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HuffPo: White athletes standing for anthem are white supremacists

Just when you think the liberal media and NFL can’t dig any deeper, they come out with something like this. According to the Huffington Post, white football players that are actually standing for the National Anthem as they should are now considered white supremacists. If you are at a sporting event and stand for the national anthem, then you by extension a white supremacist according to the corrupt liberal Huffington Post, the NFL and it’s players.

HuffPo: White atheletes standing for anthem are white supremacists
HuffPo: White atheletes standing for anthem are white supremacists

What’s going to happen next? If you watched Dukes of Hazzard 30 years ago with the confederate flag on top of the “General Lee” are you going to be branded a white supremacist too? Please NFL and Huffington Post, keep digging. Watching you destroy your arrogant selves is worth it.