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Pittsburgh Kneelers Steelers to stand for anthem on Sunday

After it was exposed that coach Mike Tomlin held ultra rich fundraisers at his mansion in Pittsburgh last summer, the Pittsburgh Kneelers errr, Steelers have become the second team to announce they will be standing on the sidelines this Sunday for the national anthem. They follow the Denver Broncos who announced on Twitter that they will be standing for the anthem earlier today. I guess the backlash was more than these “oppressed” individuals could handle. Maybe they are being oppressed again by being forced to stand for the national anthem. Can you feel their million dollar pain?

Pittsburgh Kneelers Steelers to stand for anthem on Sunday
Pittsburgh Kneelers Steelers to stand for anthem on Sunday

After facing backlash about standing in the tunnel during the national anthem last Sunday, Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey says the team will stand this Sunday.

“I promise you one thing, this week we will all be standing out there for the national anthem. Trust me,” Pouncey said Wednesday.

Pouncey says he expects the entire team to be on the field for the anthem.

“As far as I know it’s 100 percent participation,” Pouncey told reporters. “We love this country. It’s America. We know there are injustice in this world, but to me, personally, football is football and that’s what we need to approach it as.”

No amount of groveling will ever get me to watch another NFL game again. After the vast majority of the players (including whites) disrespected the country, flag, military and anthem the way they did this past weekend, with the commissioner’s consent there is no going back. I may watch a Youtube clip here and there but that’s it. The NFL is dead to me. As far as those who support and sponsor the NFL, I will no longer be using their products again. There are always alternatives.