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Harvey Weinstein to sue N.Y. Times over sexual harassment story

There must be something in the water that filthy liberal Democrats drink. The New York Times has posted a story detailing “decades of harassment” of women by liberal Hollywood hack Harvey Weinstein. The Hollywood liberal isn’t taking the sexual harassment of women story lightly. He is reportedly set to sue the New York Times for a story “saturated with false and defamatory statements about Harvey Weinstein.” Not like I care, but I love when liberals eat their own. Harvey weinstein as one of the top fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign.

Harvey Weinstein to sue N.Y. Times over sexual harassment story
Harvey Weinstein to sue N.Y. Times over sexual  harassment story

On the heels of The New York Times’ bombshell expose published Thursday about “decades of harassment” on the part of Harvey Weinstein, the mogul’s attorney Charles Harder says he’s preparing a lawsuit against the paper.

“The New York Times published today a story that is saturated with false and defamatory statements about Harvey Weinstein,” he writes in an email to The Hollywood Reporter. “It relies on mostly hearsay accounts and a faulty report, apparently stolen from an employee personnel file, which has been debunked by 9 different eyewitnesses. We sent the Times the facts and evidence, but they ignored it and rushed to publish. We are preparing the lawsuit now. All proceeds will be donated to women’s organizations.”

I wonder if Weinstein knows Weiner? Considering Weinstein was one of the top Clinton fundraisers in 2016, they probably are besties.