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Jimmy Kimmel ups armed security, ignores predator Weinstein

Cry baby Jimmy Kimmel who has more money than 99% of the country whined on his show about how repealing ObamaCARE would hurt his “son’s” medical treatment. Kimmel of course with his millions of dollars can afford the beet doctors money can buy to treat his son, but that didn’t matter. Then Kimmel decided to politicize the Las Vegas shooting. Like a typical liberal ass wipe he’s screaming at the top of his lungs for gun control and gun grabbing of legal gun holders. All of this while Kimmel has upped his armed security after the Las Vegas shooting.

Jimmy Kimmel ups armed security, ignores predator Weinstein
Jimmy Kimmel ups armed security, ignores predator Weinstein

Last night, with all the news about Hollywood liberal Democrat pervert Harvey Weinstein, Jimmy Kimmel couldn’t seem to find any words to describe the piece of garbage that Weinstein is. Yeta gain, Kimmel proves what a complete and utter hypocrite he is. Just like a typical Hollywood or Manhattan liberal.