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Did Jerry Jones really think people would forget this disgrace?

Revenue must be really drying up for Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys. He went from Week 1 kneeling with his thug players disrespecting the National Anthem, flag, military and country to threatening players that if they do the same thing, they will be benched?

Did Jerry Jones really think people would forget this disgrace?
Did Jerry Jones really think people would forget this disgrace?

The NFL is dead, going the way of the NBA. Billionaire owners like Jerry Jones are as big of hypocrites as his millionaire thug players who talk about being oppressed. Sorry Jerry Jones. We didn’t forget your disgrace in Week 1, nor will we ever. Jemele Hill is right, Cowboys sponsors should be boycotted. Not for the reason she wants of course, but the idea is so right, it got her suspended from MSESPN for two weeks.