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Patton Oswalt – Hollywood ‘comedian’ women enjoy rape

You want another perfect example of how Hollywood thinks of and treats women? Take a look at this tweet, from Hollywood “comedian” Patton Oswalt from a few years ago. In an attempt to protect Bernie Sanders, he tweeted that women enjoy rape and “grow the fuck up all of you.” This tweet wasn’t meant to be one of Oswalt’s comedy tweets either.

Patton Oswalt – Hollywood ‘comedian’ women enjoy rape
Patton Oswalt - Hollywood 'comedian' women enjoy rape

Twitter never suspended this unfunny comedian’s tweet, like they did Rose McGowan or any time a conservative tweets an opinion that dares challenge their liberal progressive ideology. Again, Harvey Weinstein and Ben Affleck are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Hollywood liberals and sexual assault, groping, and rape. Money talks in Hollywood, which is what allowed Weinstein to get away with his disgusting pig behavior for decades. Eventually, if people stop going to these crappy movies they keep churning out every year, the money will dry up and people will talk.

I wonder what skeletons Patton Oswalt has in his closet? Certainly no suspension from Twitter.