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Here are the top 10 USA Foreign aid countries – All except Israel voted against us at UN today

Below is a list of the top 10 countries who receive the most foreign aid from this country because of the United Nations cartel. Nine out of the ten countries on this this voted against us today trying to condemn Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel.

Here are the top 10 USA Foreign aid countries – All except Israel voted against us at UN today
Here are the top 10 USA Foreign aid countries - All except Israel voted against us at UN today

It’s long past time to cut off all aide for foreign countries who don’t have the US’s best interest in mind. Every year it’s the same thing with these worthless countries. Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc. Democrats are all of a sudden trying to be fiscal hawks with the deficit. Lets save a few billion dollars every year by cutting aid to all those worthless forgeign countries who every year stab us in the back. Enough is enough!