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Huffington Post: So-Called ‘Free Speech’ Isn’t Worth Fighting For

Liberals hate free speech. Say something they don’t like, they label it has ‘hate speech.” Now, suddenly the mask is slipping off liberals. Take for instance this Huffington Post “piece” declaring that free speech isn’t worth “fighting for” anymore. Of course the article was written by a Canadian trying to instruct Americans what is right and what isn’t. There isn’t true free speech in Canada anyway. Freedom of speech in Canada is not absolute. They have what are called “reasonable limits” on what they consider to be free speech.

Huffington Post: So-Called ‘Free Speech’ Isn’t Worth Fighting For
Huffington Post: So-Called 'Free Speech' Isn't Worth Fighting For

As such, people like Mochama, who will identify this impartiality, are essential, because they undermine the appearance of neutrality “free speech advocates” need for their fight to be successful, and prevent right-wingers from browbeating people for not being part of their cause. This is the first step in the necessary fight against the “free speech” movement.

“Free speech” is too costly for the disenfranchised, and this will never change when the system in power profits from this imbalance.

If we wanted to be like Canada, we’d still be ruled by the British. Here’s a little hint to left wing Canadians suggesting what Americans should and should not do. Keep it to yourself eh. No one cares ABOOT your opinions on what we do.