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New left wing pastime – Screaming at Trump at Disney’s Hall of Presidents

Seems the crazy left wing Democrats have found a new pastime. Some are now going to Disney World and screaming at the newly added Donald Trump statue at the Hall of Presidents. Here is one example of the crazy left throwing a tantrum and yelling as other guests yelled SHUT UP back at him.

New left wing pastime – Screaming at Trump at Disney’s Hall of Presidents

New left wing pastime - Screaming at Trump at Disney's Hall of Presidents

Disney World of course didn’t toss this loser out after his little tantrum at the Hall of Presidents. Instead, the just let him sit there, yell like a little child and continue on to the rest of the resort. I guess Disney World’s guidelines and standards that guests have a good experience are thrown out the window because this nut job is anti-Trump and crazy. This left wing nut job is disgusting and immature, but goes with the territory these days.