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Rhode Island Democrat Sen. WhiteHouse still has no clue how the Constitution works

When it comes to idiots, dumb bells or meat heads in the Senate, there are so many to chose from. You have Kamala Harris out in crazy California. You have crazy Sherrod Brown up in Ohio. You can never forget about the dopey Timmy Kaine either. But Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, a state that got under 500,000 votes during the 2016 election may take the cake as being the most ignorant. Whitehouse, a Senator from a small state still can’t get over the fact Hillary Clinton lost the election and Democrats don’t control the Senate. You see, according to whitehouse, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump (that was of course with at least 8 million illegals voting in California.) He also is ignorant on how the Senate works. He claims that because Democrat Senators represent 40 more million Americans than red state Senators do, Democrat senators should more power in the Senate. He wants to “give democracy a chance.”

Only problem for little Shelly is that we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. The senate is set up the way it is to keep the out of power part out of power until they earn it back via elections. I guess Whitehouse missed his course on the Constitution or something. It’s just very ironic coming from a dope who represents a state as small as his.

Rhode Island Democrat Sen. WhiteHouse still has no clue how the Constitution works
Rhode Island Democrat Sen. WhiteHouse still has no clue how the  Constitution works

Democrats own California, Illinois and New York. Of course they have more people to represent. Ever notice how crappy those three states are doing these days?