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Time for Delta Airlines to drop ‘The Spirit of Freedom’ BS after NRA debacle

Delta Airlines has a Boeing 757-200 aircraft with the slogan “The Spirit for Freedom.” After they foolishly ended their NRA discounts because of left wing extremists and their threats, this slogan should no longer apply, in any way to Delta Airlines. The Spirit of Marxism, Gun Confiscation or just simply Shall Be Infringed should be the new slogan Delta goes by.

Time for Delta Airlines to drop ‘The Spirit of Freedom’ BS after NRA debacle
Time for Delta Airlines to drop 'The Spirit of Freedom' BS after NRA debacle

Apparently the left is in love with corporations again, as long as they do what their mob tells them to do. They love Delta Airlines now because they basically gave a big middle finger to all people who legally own firearms and who have done nothing illegal with it.

The left, the media and these corporations like Delta also refuse to place blame where it really belongs. The blame is all with the FBI and the Broward County Sheriff. It’s just amazing to me how these idiots can continue to avoid any sort of blame for what they didn’t do that lead to the death of 17 people.

Delta Airlines doesn’t care about the 17 people killed and the others injured in the Parkland shooting. All they are doing is bowing to left wing and media pressure. They are spineless cowards and their CEO should be fired.