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Parkland survivor already writing DNC fundraising letters

Meet Parkland survivor Sara Imam. You probably haven’t heard much of here because all the media attention has been given to either David Hogg, Emma Gonzales or Cameron Kasky. But Sara Imam is yet another brainwashed kid who’s been indoctrinated into the anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment movement. And now, Imam is writing DNC fundraising letters. Sara Imam isn’t even old enough to vote, yet she’s always writing DNC fundraising letters. This is sick.

Parkland survivor already writing DNC fundraising letters
Parkland survivor already writing DNC fundraising letters

One Parkland shooting survivor is now using the mass shooting to fundraise for the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

In the letter, which the DNC blasted out via email on Friday, Marjory Stoneman Douglas senior Sara Imam cited her classmate’s deaths as reason to support Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

“If you’re with me and other Stoneman Douglas survivors, add your name to commit to vote this fall — it’s the only way we’ll do something about gun violence in our country,” Imam writes, urging people to “Help elect Democrats who will take action on gun violence.”

If America’s future really is this indoctrinated Florida survivors, then I weep for America’s future.