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H.R. McMaster fired? No, just more Fake News from Washington Post

Update: yet again, it appears the media has spread fake news about the firing of McMaster. Sarah Huckabee Sanders basically shot down any media report McMaster is fired.

Rumors going around social media are that tried has finally fired liberal H.R. McMaster. There is no official confirmation of this rumor yet but it’s getting a lot of play on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We’ll see if anything is announced on McMaster being fired later tonight or tomorrow. The Washington Post is also claiming McMaster is fired, but no official confirmation. Getttng Rid of McMaster, like Cohn and Tillerson is a good move. McMaster should have never been appointed to NSA in the first place. He was a Reince Preibus pick.

H.R. McMaster fired?
H.R. McMaster fired?