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Dick Durbin wants weaker penalties for drug dealers

Ah yes, Chicago’s own Senator for Illinois Dick Durbin. He doesn’t want drug dealers like cartel members to be given strong incentives not to sell their crap here. Instead, Durbin wants the government to go easier on scum like El Chapo. Durbin says that “we cannot arrest your way out of the opioid epidemic.” He also says that the “war on drugs didn’t work in the 1980’s and it wouldn’t work now.”

Dick Durbin wants weaker penalties for drug dealers
Dick Durbin wants weaker penalties for drug dealers

My thoughts on the matter are, don’t give the death penalty to drug dealers unless they are El Chapo types. This country can’t even execute murders or child rapists who have been sitting on death row for twenty years. Does Trump really think small time drug dealers are going to get their lethal injection too?

Dickhead Durbin like the rest of the Democrats don’t want to fight the opioid crisis. All those drug lords in Mexico send billions to the U.S. and some of that money ends up in Democrat lawmakers’ pockets. You really think Democrats want to cut off such a lucrative revenue source? Why else would Durbin be such an advocate of open borders between this country and Mexico?