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Alan Dershowitz schools former student and fake news peddler Jeffrey Toobin

Alan Dershowitz is no conservative. He’s a died in the wool Democrat liberal who represented OJ Simpson and now teaches at Harvard, hardly a bastion of conservative thought. On CNN, fake news peddler Jeffrey Toobin got schooled by his former teacher for his partisanship and fake news peddling.

Alan Dershowitz school former student and fake news peddler Jeffrey Toobin
Alan Dershowitz school former student and fake news peddler Jeffrey Toobin

It was back to school time for Toobin as Dershowitz walked him through how the Department of Justice could have handled the investigation by itself. The professor cautioned that a special counsel was basically mandated to find someone guilty of something no matter what. “That’s why he has to go after the low-hanging fruit,” he explained. “That’s what happened with Clinton. They couldn’t find anything with White Water so they went after him for an affair in the oval office and perjury during a deposition.”

After Dershowitz noted that the U.S. was the only democracy that used special counsels and how they were suboptimal for dispensing justice, Toobin besmirched his reputation as an esteemed legal professional:

How has this come about that in every situation over the past year you have been carrying water for Donald Trump? This is not who you used to be and you are doing this over and over again in situations that are just obviously ripe with conflict of interest and it’s just — what’s happened with you?

“I have attacked President Trump for many, many things. I’m not carrying his water. I’m saying exactly the same thing I’ve said for 50 years,” Dershowitz fought back. “And, Jeffrey, you ought to know that. You were my student. I have never deviated from this. I have never deviated from this point.”

Dershowitz proceeded to scold Toobin for being a naked partisan when it came to applying the law evenly, saying, “The fact that it applies to Trump now, rather than applying to Bill Clinton, is why people like you have turned against me.” “What you accuse me of is not being partisan. You want me to have a different standard against Donald Trump than I did in relation to the Clintons and with everybody else,” he continued.

After contending that there was “criminalization of political differences” against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Dershowitz proclaimed that he had remained “utterly and completely consistent and nonpartisan and Jeffrey, you haven’t!”