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New left wing conspiracy: Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian spy!

The left wing media in this country will consider anything a “Russian spy” these days. Now all of a sudden, left wing propaganda site Daily Beast is claiming that Guccifer 2.0, a Romanian hacker who claims to have hacked the DNC in 2016 was really a Russia spy all along. Better be careful. You might be accused of being a Russian spy next.

New left wing conspiracy: Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian spy!
New left wing conspiracy: Guccifer 2.0  is a Russian spy!

Does anyone honestly think that if Guccifer 2.0 really was a Russian spy that he would be careless enough to “forget” to conceal his identity? John Podesta might be that stupid, but I doubt Guccifer 2.0 is that stupid. Keep digging liberals and Mueller Munster.

What’s next? Is Kim Dotcom going to be named a Russian spy too?