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#MarchForOurLives crowd count falls well below expectations

If you watched the glowing media coverage of March For Our Lives over the weekend, you’d think there were millions upon millions of people attending the protests or marches or whatever all over the country. Rallies were big in liberal shit-holes like Washington D.C., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. But the crowd sizes fell well below the expectations and hype the media and liberals put on it. The “marches” were all funded by left wingers and left wing groups like George Soros’ various organizations, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group and so called. There were Hollywood and music performers at the “March” in D.C.

#MarchForOurLives crowd count well below expectations
#MarchForOurLives crowd count well below expectations

Yet in Washington D.C., where the biggest March For Our Lives rally took place, only about 200,000 showed up. That may sound big, but expected crowds by the media and liberals ranged from 500,000 to 600,000. The 200,000 was well short of expectations, not even getting half of what was hyped.

Glenn Beck’s tea party rally years ago got a larger crowd than this anti-gun, left wing propaganda parade of useful idiots yesterday, yet you wouldn’t know that going by media reports. USA Today for examples had claimed there were going to be as many as 800,000 showing up for the rally.

Maybe leftists can blame the cold weather, or the Russian hacking of liberal brains for not turning out more people.