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Barbara Bush dies at 92 – LIberals celebrate

Regardless if you like the Bush family or not (and I don’t), you still have to feel for the Bush family after the death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush who died today at the age of 92. One thing I personally liked about Barbara Bush was her love of dogs. That’s not an important to most people, but I always appreciated that of Barbara Bush. Regardless of political part identification, the death of someone like a former First Lady should never be met with happiness. Thought’s like celebrating the death of someone should be reserved for the real scum of the earth like terrorists or child molesters. Unfortunately, in today’s world though, Democrats actually celebrated the fact Bush died and hope she rots in hell. This is how sick some people on the left have become. Here are just a few example of the modern Democrat left gleeful and celebrating the death of Barbara Bush:

Barbara Bush dies at 92 – Democrats celebrate
Barbara Bush dies at 92 - Democrats celebrate

It’s really sad what this world has become. But that’s what Democrat identity politics gets you in the twenty first century.