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Mueller to go dark on witch hunt until after mid-terms

Robert Mueller likes the tax payer money coming into him thanks to Rod Rosenstein. Now it seems, that in order to not harm Democrats as more and more American people realize what a sham Mueller is conducting, it looks like he will go “dark” until after the mid-terms in November. That way, Mueller can still live off the tax payer dollar while not harming Democrats.

Mueller to go dark on witch hunt until after mid-terms
Mueller to go dark on witch hunt until after mid-terms

With six months to go until November’s midterm elections, Mr. Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign will soon run into a dead zone of sorts, in which former prosecutors say they expect him either to wrap up, or lie low and take no visible steps until after the November vote.

Though Mr. Mueller doesn’t face any specific legal deadline, the fall midterms amount to a political one, according to experts and prosecutors. He will reach a point this summer when Justice Department habits dictate he would have to go dark so he doesn’t appear to be trying to sway voters’ decisions, which would be at odds with Justice Department guidelines for prosecutors.

Any action by Mr. Mueller that implicates or exonerates Mr. Trump or his associates in working with Russia or obstructing justice could go a long way to determining whether Democrats take control of one or both houses of Congress. Democrats have promised extra scrutiny of the Trump administration if voters pull the lever for their party in November, while Republican candidates have largely sided with Mr Trump, and some have echoed the president’s message that the prosecution is a witch hunt.