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MSNBC host Nicole Wallace advocates strangling Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Nicole Wallace, the John McCain campaign adviser from 2008 who got a job on MSNBC because she hates Trump is now advocating strangling Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It looks like MSNBC is quickly going the way of CNN, basically calling for violence against members of the Trump administration. Can’t say I’m that surprised. Here is the video where Wallace advocates the strangling of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace advocates strangling Sarah Huckabee Sanders

It’s been a rough couple of weeks for progressive filth like Nicole Wallace (yes, those who claim to be Republican can also be progressive.) Nicole Wallace is about as much of a Republican as Rick Wilson, Evan McMuffin or Steve Schmidt. Calling for violence against Sarah Huckabee Sanders is just the latest in media meltdowns.

Nicole Wallace can whine about how “frustrated” she is about Sarah Huckabee Sanders or the Trump administration. Apparently she doesn’t realize how frustrated people were with the Hussein Obama reign of terror for eight years. No one I know ever threatened to strangle anyone in the Hussein Obama regime, no matter how frustrating things got.

Just imagine for a second if anyone from Fox News called for strangling any of Hussein Obama’s three Press Secretaries. There would already be companies pulling their ads off that network. Imagine if any of Hussein Obama’s press secretaries were women? No matter how feminine Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney and Josh Earnst were, they were all white males. Had this happened to a female, liberal press secretary, there would be “women’s marches” all over the country this weekend and the whole war on women card would be out and overplayed again.

But since Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn’t a liberal, or working for a far left POTUS, this just slides by and nothing happens to MSNBC, Wallace, or their sponsors. Nicole Wallace was a disaster as a campaign aid to McCain in 2008, turns out she’s taken her failures all the way to the TV screen.