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Democrats fall in love with Kim Jong Un all over again, call him winner

For awhile there, Democrats hated Kim Jong Un as much as they hate this country because of the nuke summit that was supposed to occur on June 12th. Now that Trump has cancelled the meeting and pulled the rug right out from under Pig John Un, Democrats are celebrating (big surprise) and even calling Pig Jong Un a “winner.” Here’s Nancy Pelosi:

Democrats fall in love with Kim Jong Un all over again, call him winner
Democrats fall in love with Kim Jong Un all over again, call him winner

At least we got the three hostages helped by North Korea back, and didn’t have to trade terrorists like Hussein Obama did. It’s really win win. Now we can take the fat pig Kim Jong Un out and not promise any monitory benefits to the starving country of North Korea. You are done fat boy Kim. China and Hussein Obama manipulated you good. Now you are going as good as gone like Qaddafi.