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ABC-Jimmy Kimmel: Kill all Chinese in 2013

One more fine example of ABC and Jimmy Kimmel “values” before we wrap up this whole charade by ABC with Roseanne and “racism.” Anyone remember back in 2013 that Jimmy Kimmel had a skit called “Kill all Chinese”? Back in 2013, Jimmy Kimmel had a skit, using kids as props and suggesting to “kill everyone in China” to settle U.S. debt in the “Kids Table” Jimmy Kimmel show (ABC) on 16 October 2013.

ABC-Jimmy Kimmel: Kill all Chinese in 2013
ABC-Jimmy Kimmel: Kill all Chinese in 2013

For obvious reasons, I’m not going to post that Kimmel filth video here, but if you want to see it, you know where to look. How exactly is this not hateful, vile, racist against Asians, etc? Oh right, it’s a liberal comedian (who isn’t very funny) like Jimmy Kimmel having this skit about killing the Chinese. So it’s all just humor and stuff.

Seems like so long ago doesn’t it? When Hussein Obama was POTUS, liberal comedians who spewed racist, vile and bigoted crap like this were hailed as funny. Like Bill Maher. Now, suddenly it’s bad if a comedian who isn’t a liberal says something about an Iranian Obama communist goon like Valerie Jarrett.

There was no big media outrage over Kimmel’s skit (using kids no less.) There were no newspaper articles about how bigoted Kimmel is. It was just “funny” or something.

If one set of standards for one group of hack comedians exists that are different for everyone else, then isn’t it kind of self defeating? Liberals always claim who against bigotry they are. Yet it turns out, they are the biggest bigots on the face of this planet!