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MSNBC defends Joy Reid

Write negative things about homosexuals, John McCain, 9/11 trutherism or Mexican and MSNBC will stand by your side. That’s the case here as MSNBC is actually defending Joy Reid now.

MSNBC defends Joy Reid
MSNBC defends Joy Reid

Some of the things written by Joy on her old blog are obviously hateful and hurtful. They are not reflective of the colleague and friend we have known at MSNBC for the past seven years. Joy has apologized publicly and privately and said she has grown and evolved in the many years since, and we know this to be true.

I’m sure Rachel Maddow and Ari Melber are cool with Joy Reid’s homophobia. I’m sure Joe Scarborough is ok with the attacks on John McCain. I can’t think of any Latinos at MSNBC, so I’m sure the lily white liberal trash at that propaganda network are all cool with her hatred of Mexicans.