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Rapist Bill Clinton gets mad when questioned about Monica Lewinsky

Like his wife Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton doesn’t like having to answer for his previous behavior. When asked in a softball fashion about Monica Lewinsky by NBC, Billy boy threw a tantrum. His excuse was, it was 20 years ago, so no one should care anymore. Of course, after the question that put Bill Clinton into meltdown mode, the CBS hack backed off and went back to bashing Trump instead. Kind of ironic don’t you think that NBC, the network of Matt Lauer and that turned down the Harvey Weinstein bombshell.

Rapist Bill Clinton gets mad when questioned about Monica Lewinsky
Rapist Bill Clinton gets mad when questioned about Monica Lewinsky
Rapist Bill Clinton gets mad when questioned about Monica Lewinsky

During a very contentious interview with NBC’s Craig Melvin over the weekend and aired on Monday’s Today show, former President Bill Clinton lost it when the reporter actually pressed him on sexual harassment in light of the Me Too movement. The Democrat became testy and even accused Melvin of “omitting facts” about the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

“A few days ago, in response to critics who suggested that you should have resigned in the wake of the Lewinsky scandal, you said that you should not have. If you were president now, in 2018, with everything that’s going on with the Me Too movement, how would you have approached the accusations differently?,” Melvin mildly began the exchange.

Clinton predictably painted himself as the victim of unfair treatment: “Well, I don’t think it would be an issue because people would be using the facts instead of the imagined facts. If the facts were the same today, I wouldn’t.”

After explaining how Clinton’s lying about his affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky in1998 led to his impeachment, Melvin noted: “Clinton says critics are now pouncing in light of the Me Too movement, but he stands by his decision to fight impeachment rather than resign.”