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Crooked Andrew McCabe to invoke 5th Amendment

Remember back in early May when Trump’s attorney hinted that he might invoked the 5th Amendment if called to testify in the bogus witch hunt? Liberals and media hacks like April Ryan had absolute meltdowns, claiming that if Trump didn’t have anything to hide, why would he invoke the fifth? Now comes word that Crooked Andrew McCabe will likely plead the 5th Amendment if he is called to testify before Senate panel. We are (I assume) days away from the IG Horowitz report on corruption which will likely be bad news for crooks like McCabe. Democrats are threatening Horowitz to “slow walk” the report or else. Whenever the report does come out both McCabe and Comey will likely be in a lot of legal hot water. Yet with news that McCabe will likely plead the 5th if called to testify, the same liberals and media hacks who whined about Trump possibilty doing it have no problem with Crooked McCabe doing it. Funny how that works huh?

Crooked Andrew McCabe to invoke 5th Amendment
Crooked Andrew McCabe to invoke 5th Amendment

Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director, “will have no choice but to invoke his Fifth Amendment privilege” if called to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week without immunity against the use of his testimony in criminal prosecution, according to a letter from his lawyer to the panel’s Republican chairman.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the Judiciary chairman, sought McCabe’s testimony at a hearing scheduled for next week about a much-anticipated probe by the Justice Department inspector general into the FBI’s conduct during its investigation of Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election. But McCabe’s lawyer Michael Bromwich told Grassley on Monday that because the former FBI official is subject to a referral for criminal prosecution stemming from the inspector general’s conclusion that he had lied to investigators, immunity would be required in order to secure his testimony.