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CNN: The national anthem is problematic

Now CNN is calling the national anthem “problematic.” Yesterday on the Fake Tapper show, CNN black supremacist and racist Angela Rye claimed that the national anthem, itself is problematic or something. Say what?

CNN: The national anthem is problematic
CNN: The national anthem is problematic

Angela Rye is a CNN contributor. Rye, who now admits that she thinks the national anthem is “problematic” is a woman that is the embodiment of how toxic the ‘social justice warrior’ mentality has become. Angela Rye, like other liberals (regardless of skin color), constantly plays the victim card. Rye prefers to play victim with the race card.

Yesterday was quite the day for CNN. Between April Ryan and Angela Rye, both left wing black racists, CNN was embarrassed yet again. They are so used to it by now they must be numb.