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Michele Dauber taunts Jeffrey Toobin and CNN after Judge Persky recall

Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky was recalled last night during California’s elections. It wasn’t even close, with Persky losing by nearly 20% and being recalled. Michele Dauber led the efforts to recall Judge Persky after his infamous sentence for a Stanford athlete of just six months in jail for sexual assault. Dauber who appeared on CNN was told by CNN hack Jeffrey Toobin that her efforts leading the recall of Persky “would fail” because there would never be voter interest. Two years later, Toobin and CNN once again have egg on their face and Michele Dauber is taunting them on Twitter:

Michele Dauber taunts Jeffrey Toobin and CNN after Judge Persky recall
Michele Dauber taunts Jeffrey Toobin and CNN after Judge Persky recall

Toobin and CNN have since refused to invite Michele Dauber back on the show and after the 60-40% recall, Dauber likely will be blackballed by CNN because she was right and, yet again, CNN and their so called “experts” were wrong.