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Robert De Niro says Fuck Trump at Tony Awards

You’ve got to love it when washed up Hollywood hacks like Robert De Niro try and pretend they are relevant. Tonight, at the Tony Awards, De Niro, not once, but twice decided to drop the Fuck Trump bomb on the stage to a bunch of over paid, over self valued elitists who cheered as if Obama was on stage. Robert De Niro isn’t looking too well these days. Judging by his actions tonight, he looks like another suicide ready to happen. Here is the “edgy” and “brave” Robert De Niro drop his F-bomb Trump live at the Tony Awards in New York. What an absolutely perfect place for De Niro’s vulgarity.

Robert De Niro say Fuck Trump at Tony Awards
Robert De Niro say Fuck Trump at Tony Awards

I could easily say, Fuck Robert De Niro, but why bother? It’s pretty obvious by now his life is spinning out of control. His career is just about gone and this is all he has to try and get attention for himself. It’s almost sad to see what a reject Robert De Niro has become. At one time, many decades ago, he was a decent actor. Now he’s just a shell of a man and a vulgar progressive. He should get a show on CNN to prop him up.