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U.S. Border Patrol agent injured by leftist mob

As Maxine Waters calls for left wing mobs to harass and threaten not only Trump supporters but also Trump cabinet members they are starting to bring the violence. In McAllen, Texas, near one of the border holding areas for illegal aliens, a border patrol agent was injured when a leftist mob tried to stop a bus transporting illegal immigrants from one detainment center to another.

On “Fox & Friends” Sunday morning, reporter Griff Jenkins explained what happened. He said, “Something we’re learning just this morning, guys, and that is that one of the agents inside here when this bus was moving, when the melee was going on, was trying to control the crowd, was trying to ensure that he also did not step on a smaller little old lady, he broke his ankle. His ankle is broken this morning.”

Jenkins turned his microphone to the protesters who were quick to blame President Donald Trump for the current situation. One yelled, “we’re coming for [Trump] in 2020, and we’re coming for his Congress in 2018!”

When he asked whether they protested when President Obama’s administration approved of the same conditions in many of the same facilities, Jenkins said that the protesters had nothing more to say.