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Teahouse in Vancouver Stanley Park kicks out Trump supporters

Looks like progressive fascism is spreading to Canada In Vancouver, a city of nothing. At a restaurant called the Teahouse in Stanley Park for kicking out a man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. I guess the Canadians aren’t too pre-occupied with finding their Prime Minister’s eye brows and instead just want to be little fascists and segregate restaurants. Sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it? Fascist Lexington Virginia restaurant called The Red Hen kicked out Sarah Huckakbee Sanders last weekend before they didn’t like Trump. They proceeded to follow Sanders’ family across the street, yelling and screaming at her little kids. I generally like Canada. But when in Vancouver found the place to be dirty, the casinos even dirtier and people are generally obnoxious Canucks. It’s like Canada’s version of Seattle.

Teahouse in Vancouver Stanley Park kicks out Trump supporters
Teahouse in Vancouver Stanley Park kicks out Trump supporters

A man wearing one of the U.S. president’s “Make America Great Again” hats was refused service at the Teahouse in Stanley Park on Tuesday by Darin Hodge.

According to the restaurant’s general manager, the man was seated on the patio that evening when Hodge, the floor manager at the time, confronted him.

“[He] took over the table and requested that he take the hat off,” said Andy Crimp.

ANALYSISClucking about Sanders’s Red Hen bunfight is more about tactics than tact: Keith Boag
“[The customer] said he had a right to wear it. [Hodge] said if you don’t take the hat off, we won’t serve you. And the man left.”

The Sequoia Company, which runs the restaurant, says Hodge was fired for not following its “philosophy of tolerance.”

I’ll bet Justin Trudeau got an eyebrown erection after hearing a person with a MAGA hat was kicked out the Teahouse in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. Too bad Vancouver has never actually won a Stanley Cup to go with Stanley Park. Losers.