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CNN: Trump ‘dehumanizing’ illegals is ‘more atrocious’ than slavery

Those poor illegal aliens. Invading the border to the south, not showing up for trials and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Now, according to CNN these illegal aliens, who shouldn’t be coming here in the first place are being treated worse than blacks were during slavery. Seriously. This is what black racist Michael Dyson said on CNN yesterday as they covered the protest for open borders and abolishing ICE:

CNN: Trump ‘dehumanizing’ illegals is ‘more atrocious’ than slavery

We’ve seen this before in terms of the separation of enslaved human beings from their children, in internment camps. We’ve seen this when immigration came in this country, so this is something that is a replay of a horrible movie, It was terrible the first time. The replay is even more atrocious.