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Amber Heard – Hollywood hag deletes tweet referring to illegals as housekeepers, landscapers and nannies

And once again, the mask slips off of Hollywood. The real reason why they pissed off at ICE and ICE checkpoints isn’t because they are humanely concerned about the lives of illegal aliens and their families. No, what Amber Heard and Hollywood is really concerned about is the cheap labor that housekeepers, landscapers an nannies provide them. This now deleted tweet by Hollywood hag Amber Heard (who I never heard of before today) explains it perfectly:

Amber Heard – Hollywood hag deletes tweet referring to illegals as housekeepers, landscapers and nannies
Amber Heard - Hollywood hag deletes tweet referring to illegals as housekeepers, landscapers and nannies

That tweet sounded pretty racist to me. Imagine if a conservative tweeted and deleted the same thing. Yea, you know the drill. After deleting the tweet Amber Heard tweeted this:

It’s time for Hollywood leftists like Amber Heard to give up on the bleeding heart BS they always try to play. They only care about illegal aliens because of the cheap service they provide. I’m sure Heard has a housekeeper. Are we to assume that the housekeeper is an illegal alien because Amber is a bit worried?